One thing to note with days of the week is that they don’t have capital letters in French. The same goes for the name of the months. We have to use definite articles before the days of the week and the name of the months.

Il y a sept jours dans une semaine.
The Days | Les Jours |
Monday | lundi |
Tuesday | mardi |
Wednesday | mercredi |
Thursday | jeudi |
Friday | vendredi |
Saturday | samedi |
Sunday | dimanche |

It is said that these days of the week arose from their origin- Planets. Let us see which day comes from which planet!
lundi | MOON |
mardi | MARS |
mercredi | MERCURY |
jeudi | JUPITER |
vendredi | VENUS |
samedi | SATURN |
dimanche | DIES DOMINI |
“What Day is Today?“
- Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd’hui?
- Quel jour est-on aujourd’hui?
- On est quel jour aujoud’hui?
“Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd’hui?”
- Aujourd’hui c’est….
- C’est…
- Nous sommes…
NOTE: If we are referring to yesterday or tomorrow, we cannot use aujourd’hui or present tense. The tense will be used accordingly.
Some Related Vocabulary
avant-hier | the day before yesterday |
hier | yesterday |
aujourd’hui | today |
ce soir | tonight |
demain | tomorrow |
aprés-demain | the day after tomorrow |
Please note:
We cannot use present tense like (c’est or nous sommes) with aprés-demain, demain, hier, avant-hier instead we will use future/Past tense accordingly.