This vibrant conversation between friends planning a mall shopping binge will help you discover the appeal of French fashion.
Explore the world of fashionable looks and accessories as they talk about their love for elegant scarves, French fashion labels, well-fitting shirts, and fall boots.

Accompany them as they set out to find stylish finds that combine the allure of French fashion with the thrill of a shopping expedition.

Let’s start with the conversation:
Birch: Salut! On devrait aller au centre commercial ce week-end. J’ai besoin de quelques nouvelles tenues. | Hi! We should go to the mall this weekend. I need some new outfits. |
Romeo: Bonne idée! Qu’est-ce que tu veux acheter exactement? | Good idea! What do you want to buy exactly? |
Birch: Eh bien, je cherche une nouvelle chemise. Peut-être quelque chose de chic. Et toi? | Well, I’m looking for a new shirt. Maybe something stylish. And you? |
Romeo: Je veux une nouvelle paire de chaussures. Peut-être des bottes pour l’automne. Et oh, une écharpe serait sympa! | I want a new pair of shoes. Maybe boots for the fall. Oh, and a scarf would be nice! |
Birch: D’accord, on peut vérifier les magasins de vêtements et d’accessoires. Tu préfères les marques françaises? | Okay, we can check the clothing and accessories stores. Do you prefer French brands? |
Romeo: Oui, j’aime bien le style français. Et toi? | Yes, I like the French style. How about you? |
Birch: Pareil. On peut aussi regarder des bijoux et des sacs à main. | Same. We can also look at jewelry and handbags. |
Romeo: Super! On se retrouve au centre commercial samedi? | Great! See you at the mall on Saturday? |
Birch: Parfait! À samedi alors, on trouvera de superbes choses! | Perfect! See you on Saturday then. We’ll find some great things! |
Let us recall the Vocabulary
Pareil | Same |
À samedi alors | See you on Saturday then. |
se retrouve | See you |
Centre Commercial | Shopping mall |
des bijoux | Jewelry |
des sacs à main | Hand bags |
vérifier | To check |
les magasins de vêtements et d’accessoires | Clothing and Accessories stores |
Marques | Brands |
une nouvelle paire de chaussures | New pair of shoes |
Peut-être | May be |
des bottes | Boots |
une écharpe | Scarf |
nouvelle chemise | New shirt |
de chic | Stylish |
Tenues | Outfits |