Expand your vocabulary to include finishing touches, which are the ideal addition to any outfit.

Explore the various types of “sacs à main” (handbags), delve into the realm of “bijoux” (jewelry), and accessorize yourself with the elegance of “écharpes” (scarves).

Whether you’re interested in fashion or just want to learn more languages, this extensive list can help you improve your French and add a bit of Parisian style to your talks.
Un T-shirt | T-shirt |
Des lunettes de soleil | Sunglasses |
Une blouse | Blouse |
Une robe | Dress |
Une jupe | Skirt |
Un pantalon | Pants |
Un jean | Jeans |
Une veste | Jacket |
Un manteau | Coat |
Un pull | Sweater |
Une montre | Watch |
Des boucles d’oreilles | Earrings |
Gain more knowledge about fashion and enter the realm of French elegance with poise!
Un gilet | Waistcoat |
Un chapeau | Hat |
Des gants | Gloves |
Des chaussettes | Socks |
Un maillot de bain | Swimsuit |
Des tongs | Flip-Flops |
Des baskets | Sneakers |
Des parapluie | Umbrella |
Un portefeuille | Wallet |
Une ceinture | Belt |
Un collier | Necklace |
Un bracelet | Bracelet |
Une bague | Ring |