Subject Pronouns are a fundamental part of language and are used to replace nouns in sentences when referring to people and things. They are less repetitive and make it look more understandable and concise.
In English, common subject pronouns include “I, you, he, she, it, we, and they”. In French, six different types of subject pronouns include “Je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles”. It varies depending on the gender and number (singular or plural).

These subject pronouns are used at the beginning of sentences or even in the middle of the phrase to indicate who is performing the action or to whom the action is directed.
One can use “vous” or “tu” when referring to a single person depending on the situation. As “vous” is the second person plural and if in case the referred person is older than you, it is a must to use “vous”. Refer to the difference between “vous & tu”.
In addition to these nuances, English pronouns do not have the same meanings as French pronouns do. Like “on” in French has a variety of connotations, it most closely resembles the now-retroactive “one” in English.
In everyday language, “on” is used, instead of “nous”, to express “we”; the verb is always used in the 3rd
person singular. For example, to say “We (are) meeting at 9 o’clock”, you could say either “On se rencontre au cinéma à neuf heures.” or “Nous nous rencontrons au cinéma à neuf heures.” (formal) (there are two words “nous” which implies Pronominal verb).
In French, the ‘it’ pronoun doesn’t exist rather “il” is used to replace all masculine nouns (people or things) likewise “elle” is used to replace all feminine nouns (people or things).
Similarly whereas “they” in the third person plural is undefined in English, “ils” and “elles” have genders in French. The several verb conjugations that follow the pronoun help to recognize because they typically sound the same as “il” and “elle” when spoken, making it difficult to distinct.
However, this logically agrees with the overpowering majority: given a group of only one male to thousands of girls, the female form (elles) would be used. The male form (ils) is also used if a group of people comprises both males and females, even with a majority of females.