It is very important for French Learners, to learn the months as it is one of the first things that you learn in your language also. If you are still in the process of learning new things and are not yet prepared with the French vocabulary of months <<<< explore the website!
Now you’re good to go ahead with more information about French Months of The Year.
Let’s Get Started!
As you have seen months in French are very similar to the months in English as they hugely resemble the pronunciation and its spells with few exceptions.
January – janvier
It is the first month of the year and is named after the Roman God Janus, who was associated with beginnings and transitions. The first day of the first month of the year is called The New Year Day’s – le Jour de l’An. It is also known for Epiphany – La Fête des Rois and France has a public holiday.
February – février
It is a special month because it only has 28 or 29 days once every 4 years during a leap year. The month includes Valentine’s Day – la Saint Valentin to celebrate love and Candlemas – (la Chandeleur), a day dedicated to eating crêpes in France. February is also known for Mardi Gras – Carnaval, in cities like Nice and Paris.
March – mars
March is the first month of the year in the earliest Roman Calendar. It was named after Mars, the Roman God of war. In France, March is associated with the arrival of Spring – le Printemps but the country also sees long days of rain called les giboulées de mars. It also includes International Women’s Day – La Journée Internationale des Femmes.
Au Printemps, il fait beau et les oiseaux chantent- In spring, the weather is nice and the birds are singing.
April – avril
As we all know the first of April is April Fools’ Day, where jokesters might pull a practical joke on their friends or family, and then shout, ”April Fools”. It is also known for Easters – Pâques celebrations, which include various traditions such as Egg hunts and chocolate treats.
May – mai
The first of May is, International Labor Day – la Fête du Travail, which is celebrated for laborers almost universally in France, and, Victory in Europe Day – la Fête de la Victoire, commemorating the end of World War II.
June – juin
June marks the beginning of Summers – l’été in France and is also associated with the school holidays.
En été, il fait chaud et le soleil brille- It is hot and the sun shines.
July – juillet
July is a very important month in the history of France. It is the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. It marks the independence of the country and therefore has a national holiday in France.
As a tradition, the people of France buy Lily of the Valley on this day and, in Paris, people join together for a pacifist protest to support workers.
August – a0ût
August was named after the Roman Emperor Augustus. It is the month when most French people take their vacation. It is the hottest and often sometimes the stormiest month in France, especially in the South.
September – septembre
It marks the start of autumn, but it also marks the end of vacation. Everyone gets back to school and work. Traditionally, it is the first month of the school year after the annual summer vacation.
En automne, il pleut, il fait du vent et les feuilles tombent- In autumn, it rains and it’s windy and the leaves fall.
October – octobre
The month of October isn’t as popular in France as in English-speaking countries or India. It is famous for Halloween, which is celebrated on the last day of October to remember the dead.
The tradition is for children to dress up in scary costumes like ghosts, and vampires and ring doorbells asking for treats with the phrase ”Trick or Treat’‘. This month often brings a cooler to France.
November – novembre
November brings us to Winter. In France, Armistice Day – L’Armistice, the anniversary of the end of World War I, is celebrated on Nov 11 and is a national holiday in France.
En hiver, il fait froid, il neige- In winter, it is cold and it’s snowing.
December – décembre
It is the last month of the year and is famous for its great celebration of the year: Christmas – Noël. It is an annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus on Dec 25.
In France, on Christmas Eve, the evening of Dec 24, people sit together with their families and enjoy the Christmas feast and drink wine. The dinner is a French custom and it lasts for many hours.
Food is a big part of Christmas traditions in France and Dec 24 and Dec 25 are commonly a 48-hours marathon of eating, drinking, and spending time with family.