Anyone seeking to look into the complicated tapestry of French cuisine must have an understanding of kitchen equipment and food ingredients.

It not only broadens your understanding of French culture but also provides access to fresh culinary delights and chances for language study.
You can better understand cooking methods and habits by learning the names of food items and kitchen utensils in French.
With this understanding, you can confidently follow French recipes and make sure your food is made precisely and appropriately.
Let us see the most common and useful vocabulary:
1. KITCHEN UTENSILS- Ustensiles de cuisine

Couteau | Knife |
Cuillère | Spoon |
Fourchette | Fork |
Assiette | Plate |
Verre | Glass |
Tasse | Cup |
Bol (if smaller in size) Bassin (For masculine and larger bowl) Cuvette (For feminine and larger bowl) | Bowl |
Poêle | Pan |
Spatule | Spatula |
Fouet/Battre | Whisk |
Planche à découper | Cutting Board |
Moule à gâteau | Cake Pan |
Passoire | Strainer |
Casserole | Pot/Saucepan |
Plateau | Tray |
Baguette | Chopsticks |
Chope | Mug/Beer Glass |
Bouilloire | Kettle |
Ouvre-bouteille | Bottle Opener |
Couteau à pizza | Pizza cutter |
Éplucheur | Peeler |
Pince | Tong |
Râpe | Grater |
Presse-Purée | Potato Masher |

Pain | Bread |
Fromage | Cheese |
Lait | Milk |
Oeuf | Egg |
Beurre | Butter |
Sucre | Sugar |
Sel | Salt |
Poivre | Pepper |
Viande | Meat |
Nourriture | Jam |
Yaourt | Yogurt |
Poulet | Chicken |
Poisson | Fish |

Farine | Flour |
Huile | Oil |
Épices | Spices |
Légumes | Vegetables |
Fruits de mer | Seafood |
Herbes | Herbs |
Ail | Garlic |
Oignon | Onion |
Boisson | Beverages |
Eau | Water |
Riz | Rice |

Baguette | French Bread |
Crêpe | Pancake |
Quiche | (Dish) |
Croissant | (Bread) |
Soupe | Soup |
Salade | Salad |
Pâtisserie | Pastry |
Confiserie | Candy |
Jus | Juice |
Thé | Tea |
Café | Coffee |
Vin | Wine |
Chocolat | Chocolate |
Pâtes | Pasta |
With a list of food items and appliances in the kitchen, you can explore a variety of French cuisines and culinary customs.
Understanding the language of food provides doors to new culinary experiences, whether you’re experimenting in your kitchen or dining at a French restaurant.
It takes more than simply memorization to become knowledgeable about food items and kitchen utensils—practical practice is required.
Make the most of your freshly learned language in casual talks, reading recipes, and cooking to deepen your understanding and strengthen your connection to French culture.