As discussed earlier, there are three main categories of the French regular verbs-er, -ir, -re. The third and the smallest category of French verbs is -re.
Once you’re done with the conjugations of the previous two categories of verbs-er, and -ir, you will not have any problem conjugating the third category of verb-re.
The infinitive verbs ending with -re are often identified as the third category of verbs. In French, regular-re verbs follows a common set of pattern for conjugating the verb according to the French Subject Pronoun.

How To Conjugate?
To conjugate regular-re verbs in the Present Tense, remove the “re” ending from the infinitive verb to find the radical, then add the set of endings to the radical of the French verb.
The endings of the regular-re verbs -s, -s, -, -ons, -ez, -ent. Add these endings to the radical of the verb.
For example, vendre (infinitive verb ending with -re), now remove the -re to find the radical (vend), and, then add the appropriate endings.
Vendre- to sell
Singular | Plural |
Je vends | Nous vendons |
Tu vends | Vous vendez |
Il/Elle vend | Ils/Elles vendent |
Examples of Regular-re Verbs
Some of the verbs follow the same pattern as “vendre” in their conjugation.
Descendre- to descend/to go down |
Perdre- to lose/to waste |
Attendre- to wait |
Entendre- to hear |
Pendre- to hang/to suspend |
Fondre- to melt |
Rendre- to return/to give back |
Prétendre- to claim |
Répondre- to respond |
Étendre- to stretch |
Défendre- to defend |