As discussed earlier also, there are three categories of verbs and most of them fall into the first category i.e. -er verbs. The second category of verbs is -ir verbs, indeed it’s the second largest category of French verbs.
- I category: -er verbs
- II category: -ir verbs
- III category: -re verbs
French regular -ir category verbs follow a common set of patterns in their conjugation and that is also the reason for naming them as “regular-ir verbs”.

The infinitive verbs that end with “-ir” are identified as the second category of verbs -ir verbs.
How to Conjugate?
To conjugate -ir verbs in the Present tense, remove the “r” ending from the verb to get the radical, and, then add the set of endings to the radical of the verb.
The endings of the regular -ir verbs -s, -s, -t, -ssons, -ssez, -ssent. Add these endings to the radical of the verb. For example, finir (infinitive verb ending with -ir). Now remove the -r to get the radical (fini) and then add the endings.
Finir- to finish
Singular | Plural |
Je finis | Nous finissons |
Tu finis | Vous finissez |
Il/Elle finit | Ils/Elles finissent |
Examples of regular -ir verbs
Some of the regular -ir verbs following the same pattern in their conjugation.
Choisir- to choose |
Remplir- to fill |
Réussir- to succeed |
Punir- to punish |
Grossir- to gain weight |
Grandir- to grow tall |
Rougir- to blush/ turn red |
Réfléchir- to think/ to reflect |
Obéir- to obey |
Agir- to act |